The World And M2E

Me2everyone´s TreeHa!
Will help defeat Global Warming

People talking about it, almost everyday. The News on TV Broadcast, then Newspapers and Magazines are filled with this topic. But very few people really realize, what it´s all about.

It starts within the private households, the profit oriented businesses ignoring issues, and entire governments not providing the required informations to the public.

The Households:
Lots of our Consumer Electronic Devices have no longer turn-off buttons, only providing an “energy-saving” standby mode. People are still using high-consuming bulbs instead of power-saving light. No one feels responsible for energy-saving.

Our electrical energy is not everywhere produced on rivers, lakes, many power plants still are burning fossile fuels or coal, producing tons of CO2.

Another profit oriented group is busy to cut down our biggest oxygen-reservoir, the rainforests in the amazon-region in Brasil. But also in other places around the globe, too many trees are cutted down, without proper replacements.

On one side, we are eager to produce a bigger amount of CO2 every year, on the opposite we kill the only plants, they could save to reduce this imbalance.

There are lot of warnings from scientists around the globe, that due to the increasing CO2 volume every year, the average temperature of our planet is going to rise, and will start causing major changes in weather behaviour worldwide.

The “will cause” point we already have passed, there are already major changes in weather. Dont mention the US and the rest of the North American Continent, they have been used to typhoons since a long time, but even there, the intensity is rising and the intervals are becoming shorter.

In Europe, there have not been as much floodings as in the last 25 years, and the number of cases is increasing. The Alpine skiing business, did a major damage to the environment, cutting trees for the skiing slopes, removing the halt for the surface.

The number of landslides became dramatically bigger, and still the people dont learn. The roots, holding the ground, are no more, how the water could not wipe it downhill? The average sealevel is rising worldwide, but not very much people taking notice of it, it appears only to the people of malaysia, where the shore is moving towards the land until now only some centimeters per year, but increasing speed.

Huge Companies have been buying inventions for alternative fuels, holding them back to ensure the profit on Mineral Oil, inventions made at the time they happened, could already have reduced our CO2 emission on vehicles worldwide for about 30 years or more. But there is no one to confess this failure. No one should have rights to OWN patents, which could help to save our planet, it should belong to all humans on earth.

Other regions on our planet have changed into desert after all trees have been removed there, it should be a primary target to get the desert back.

My personal idea of reducing the risks of global warming are the following:

Changing our private attitudes using electric and fossile fuel power. There are still people on this planet, they need to run the motorcycle engine on standby for half an hour (“else it will not run properly”). This people should be charged with high penalties.

There should be much more limitations for companies, factories, neglecting ruling about emission filtering of their exhausts.

Changing the fuel supplies, its far too slow, what is going on now with the hybrid-car invention, which was held back from one of the biggest petrol-supplier in europe for almost 30 years.

Changing our production of energy from common powerplants to alternating ones. We have plenty of regions with strong winds, and we have lots of spaces, where solar power could be produced on a wider range.

Government should be entitled to encourage the people, to invest into any of the alternatives, especially in regions, where it is applicable due to availibility. But since the Atomic-Energy-Lobby is still heard, if we could rebuild all trees ever cutted down, we are going to damage our planet with radiation, another big danger to all of us.

Since the governments of most countries are not really acting, only talking, we people on of the earth, every one of us should start at his own home.

4/20/2010 08:50:05 pm

This looks better...


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